House debates

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Matters of Public Importance


4:58 pm

Photo of Aaron VioliAaron Violi (Casey, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, member for Higgins, for the contribution. I appreciated the contribution about Bangs Street in Prahran. That sounds like such a great project, a wonderful initiative in Prahran that's open this year, as the member said. I thought I might quickly jump on the website and do a little bit of research and have a look at Bangs Street. When did the early works for the Bangs Street social housing project, which the member for Higgins is happy to talk about, start? They started in 2021. Who was in government in 2021, Member for Fadden? It might have been the coalition government. I'm referencing the official Homes Victoria website. When did construction of the Bangs Street social housing project, which the member for Higgins just referenced as such a great project, start? It started in February 2022.

Member for Fisher, who was the government in February 2022? Was that the coalition government? Wow! There we go, people at home. We have just summed up the one moment the Albanese government.

Government members interjecting


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