House debates

Tuesday, 26 March 2024



12:15 pm

Photo of Mark ButlerMark Butler (Hindmarsh, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Health and Aged Care) Share this | Hansard source

As foreshadowed by the Leader of the House, I move, as an amendment to the motion by the Leader of the House, that paragraphs (1) and (2) be amended and paragraphs (3) and (4) be added as follows:

That paragraphs (1) and (2) be amended and paragraphs (3) and (4) be added as follows:

(1) debate on the second reading resuming immediately, with the time limit for the first two Opposition speakers being 10 minutes, and the time limit for all other Members speaking being five minutes;

(2) the second reading debate continuing without interruption for no longer than 40 minutes, questions being immediately put on any amendments moved to the motion for the second reading and on the second reading of the bill, after which the bill being considered in detail with the bill being considered as a whole, with all Government amendments to be moved together, all Opposition amendments to be moved together, and any crossbench Members' amendments to be moved as one set per Member, with:

(a) one question to be put on all Government amendments;

(b) one question to be put on all Opposition amendments;

(c) separate questions to be put on any sets of amendments moved by crossbench Members;

(d) one question to be put that the bill [as amended] be agreed to; and

(e) any question provided for under subparagraphs (2)(a) to (2)(d) being put after no more than five minutes of debate on each set of amendments;

(3) at 1.40 pm, if debate has not concluded earlier, the question being put on any remaining questions necessary to complete consideration of the bill; and

(4) automatic interruptions to business under the standing orders, and deferral of divisions, not applying during proceedings on the bill".


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