House debates

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Questions without Notice

Grocery Prices

2:58 pm

Photo of Bob KatterBob Katter (Kennedy, Katter's Australian Party) Share this | Hansard source

Prime Minister, a farmer ploughs, tills, fights disease, weeds, irrigates, fertilises, harvests, cleans and delivers to stores. Cold and Worthless pay the farmer 49c a potato, put it on a shelf and charge customers $4.50, an 800 per cent mark-up. Their CEOs get $10 million a year; the vanishing check-out chick gets $50,000. In 1990 they had a 50.1 per cent market share; in 2001 they had 70.1, according to ABS and ANOP figures. At two per cent a year, they're now over 80 per cent. PM, if divestiture, won't you be like Roosevelt and have your face carved on Mount Remarkable with Tubba Tre, Ralph Honner and Red Ted Theodore?


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