House debates

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Questions without Notice

Grocery Prices

2:59 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you to the unique member for Kennedy for that question. The member for Kennedy is many things. I would describe him absolutely, though, as fair dinkum about his commitment to his electorate, his commitment to the people in his seat, whether they be farmers or miners—whoever they are. He's a champion for his community, and the issues that he raises here about Australian producers and farmers—the feeling that they don't get a fair shake from the product of their work—I think are spot on.

When farmers are getting less money for their product, whether it be potatoes, like the one he used, or any other vegetable or product, then you would expect that to translate into cheaper prices at the checkout. The truth is that it hasn't done so. That is why my government's determined to hold them to account. That's why we've got the ACCC conducting an inquiry. They'll produce an interim report as well as then a final report. The options that are open for them are, of course, we've already increased penalties on anticompetitive conduct. We've already banned unfair contract terms. We've set up a competition task force in Treasury which is considering Australia's merger laws.

The government has also charged former competition minister Craig Emerson with reviewing the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct at the moment. That is a voluntary code, and we're looking at whether mandating is necessary there. I note that the Leader of the Nationals has said that the coalition were too slow when they were in government and that the Nationals wanted to move at a lot quicker pace in terms of a compulsory grocery code. Well, we haven't got the Liberal Party holding us back, I say to the Leader of the Nationals.


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