House debates

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Questions without Notice

Manufacturing Industry

3:08 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

The NRF that doesn't have a colour coded spreadsheet, the NRF that actually requires companies to come forward and have business cases in order to get funding and co-investment from the government—that's the process that we are doing.

We believe that you can have cheaper, cleaner energy—making sure that we value-add, making sure that we make more things here and making sure that, in areas such as the former coal-fired power stations that shut under their watch across there, we make use of that access—to make things at those locations rather than have a nuclear power plant, a nuclear reactor from the nuclear reactionaries over there. That's their vision going forward as well.

We see practical examples with the deal just announced and completed in the last fortnight for 100 Boxers being made in Redbank in Queensland—an example of where this heavy weapon carrier will be exported to Germany—a deal worth $1 billion to the Australian economy, a deal in which 600 direct jobs will be created in Queensland alone, with flow-on effects right across the supply chain. That's why you need to make things here, to make sure that you have that expansionary economy and that you are also not dependent just upon imports for things that are critical. That's why we have our critical minerals plan. That's why we are engaging in making more things here in Australia. It is a fundamental belief that this government is putting in place day by day, right across the portfolios.


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