House debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024


Therapeutic Goods and Other Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Bill 2024; Second Reading

5:26 pm

Photo of Barnaby JoyceBarnaby Joyce (New England, National Party, Shadow Minister for Veterans' Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

The member from Cowan would also have a pretty good understanding of the reality of what she'd say if she were outside this building—the reality of how we deal with issues such as this. I think on this issue we've all got to try to get our heads together and say: 'Both are evil, but what is the better of the two evils? What is the better outcome for two positions where, to be honest, if we had our choice we'd be in neither?' That is the only way we deal with this issue, and in the meantime, the drug dealers out there are clapping their hands and cheering from the rooftops because we have just made their business plan so much easier.


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