House debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024


Fitzgibbon, Lance Corporal Jack Patrick

12:43 pm

Photo of Sharon ClaydonSharon Claydon (Newcastle, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I thank and acknowledge all of those who have spoken on this motion before me, and those who will come after. It's always a difficult job to rise on the floor of parliament and to speak on a condolence motion, but I rise to add my name to the many condolences that have been expressed, not just in this House but in my community and, indeed, across the nation for the tragic and untimely death of Lance Corporal Jack Patrick Fitzgibbon.

He was, as we've heard, a very proud member of the Australian Defence Force, and loved serving his country. Jack served with the 2nd Commando Regiment in his dream job as a signaller in the Special Forces. Throughout his career, Jack was awarded the Australian Defence Medal and the operational service medal for counterterrorism, a testament to his dedication to serving his country. His courage, distinction and leadership skills saw him rise fairly rapidly, really, through the ranks as a respected colleague and someone who could be counted on.

I think the funeral in his home town at an absolutely packed church, plus all of the people in the street outside the church, really was a testament to the love for not just Jack but his entire family, because, of course, those that are left behind bear the burden of grief. Jack was the clearly much-adored son of both Joel and Dianne. Joel is known to many people in this House because of his service and, indeed, his father's service in the Australian parliament. So they have given many, many decades of service to their respective communities.

A division having been called in the House of Representatives—

Sitting suspended from 12 : 46 to 16 : 00

Debate interrupted.


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