House debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024


New Vehicle Efficiency Standard Bill 2024, New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2024; Reference to Committee

11:58 am

Photo of Kevin HoganKevin Hogan (Page, National Party, Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | Hansard source

Speaker, I have great respect for you. I will take that advice. Back to the minister, who had form for a long time. As I said earlier, I've been a backbench marginal MP in my time here. If I were a backbench marginal MP in the Labor Party and if there were one person that made me very, very nervous, it would be the minister for climate change.

I thank the shadow minister for putting this motion up. This is a motion of goodwill. This is the shadow minister putting up a goodwill motion from the opposition, who is saying: 'We want to help. We want to be part of the conversation. We want to refer this to the committee that the shadow minister has recommended in this motion. We want it to go there. We want to be part of that discussion. We want this country to do its job by meeting net zero by 2050. We want this country to do its job with what we want to do with vehicle emissions, but we want to do it so people can still afford them. We want to do this so that the lights don't go out. If they're going to plug in their electric vehicle at night, we want the power to be on and we want to do it in an affordable way.' With great pleasure, I thank the shadow minister for moving this. It's a great pleasure to support him in seconding it.


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