House debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024


Australian Football League

12:39 pm

Photo of Andrew GeeAndrew Gee (Calare, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

I rise in support of the member for Clark's motion. The matters raised by the member for Clark are very serious and there is a huge amount of public interest in them. A light needs to be shone on what has gone on here.

Giving members the ability to place documents of this nature on the national record is an important part of the transparent and open operation of this parliament. These documents should be tabled, and I would urge all members to support the member for Clark's motion, whatever party they belong to. Get behind this motion and support transparency. Let's see the documents and what they reveal and let the nation know what they contain and what they reveal.

So I commend the motion to the House and I commend the member for Clark's courage and integrity, in shining a light on this issue and bringing it to the attention of our parliament and our nation. As I said, I commend the motion.


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