House debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Statements by Members

Coppin, Mr Langtree Eric Christopher (Lang), OAM

1:45 pm

Photo of Melissa PriceMelissa Price (Durack, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Today I would like to pay tribute to Lang Coppin for his 46-year-long service as a councillor on the Council of the Shire of East Pilbara, and I'd like to acknowledge the shire representatives with us in the chamber today. During Lang's tenure, he provided leadership and representation for the northern part of the east Pilbara district, with a particular focus on the interests of the Marble Bar community and the pastoralist sector. Lang has always been a straight shooter and a real champion for his community. His lengthy service was—up until his retirement in October—I understand, the longest current period of service of any elected member to any council, parliament or assembly in Australia. Lang served as the shire's deputy president on a variety of occasions. In 2013, he received national recognition with a Medal of the Order of Australia with the citation 'For service to the community of the East Pilbara.'

The shire has announced that it will bestow upon Lang the highest honour the council has to award: the freeman of the shire. This will be awarded at a community gathering in Marble Bar on Wednesday 10 April that I will have the great pleasure and honour of attending. Congratulations, Lang, and thank you for your service to the east Pilbara.


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