House debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Questions without Notice

Minister for Home Affairs

2:06 pm

Photo of Clare O'NeilClare O'Neil (Hotham, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Home Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

It looks like I'm going to get a bit of time on my feet today, which I'm very excited about. On indulgence, I acknowledge that we have Greek leaders from around Australia here with us, and I welcome them to our parliament. It is a privilege to have you here. When the Greeks invented democracy, I'm not sure if this is exactly what they had in mind but we're doing our absolute best.

As I said in response to the previous question, I work very closely with the secretary of my department. Let me talk about some of the work that we're doing so constructively together. As I have spoken to the parliament about before, we have a Department of Home Affairs with some significant issues.


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