House debates

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Statements by Members

Holt Electorate: Community Language Schools

1:52 pm

Photo of Cassandra FernandoCassandra Fernando (Holt, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

'Ayubovan' translates to 'may you be blessed with a long life' and is a traditional greeting in Sinhala. Like 45 per cent of my electorate of Holt, English is not my first language. Over 165 languages are spoken across Holt, from Punjabi and Hazaraghi to Serbian and Samoan. Languages are vital for people to engage in their culture, traditions and community. Community language schools, often run by volunteers, are essential in teaching children these languages. This is why I am proud to be part of a government committed to supporting these vital community assets.

The Albanese Labor government has committed to providing $165,000 to support language schools across Holt. This includes Al Mustaqbel Arabic Community School, Al-Hussein Arabic School, Payam Dari School, Sikh Community Gurmat Centre, Cranbourne Gyanjyoti Pathsala Nepalese school, KC Korean Language & Culture School, and Sankalp-Ek Nishchay Marathi Community school. The work they do in the community is invaluable. Thank you to the parents and volunteers at these schools for the time you spend volunteering and for continuing to promote your traditions and cultures.


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