House debates

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Questions without Notice


2:57 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

The unemployment rate is lower than it was under those opposite. Employment is higher. The participation rate is higher. The gender pay gap is lower. There are more women employed full time. There are more manufacturing jobs. There are fewer long-term unemployed. Industrial disputes are down, in spite of what they said, and wages are up. Wages up, inflation moderating—that is what is occurring.

Those opposite, of course, in the last budget that they handed down—the number of saves is a really round figure of zero. They provided no saves whatsoever. They just splashed money as they did with waste when they were in government. Remember the $20 billion in JobKeeper payments that went to companies that were increasing their profits. They weren't going down; they were going up. Remember the $5½ billion on the French subcontract without delivering a single vessel, and destroying our relationship with our ally there. Remember blowing out the cost of the inferior copper NBN by $29 billion. Then there's the Inland Rail project. They said they were going to build it and finish it for $4.7 billion; it cost $31 billion without going anywhere. They spent $5 billion on contractors and consultants. We're getting on with the job of good, responsible— (Time expired)


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