House debates

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Questions without Notice

Live Animal Exports

3:27 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

We have made it very clear. When it comes to the live cattle export trade, that is a trade that we support. That is a trade that we have gone out of our way to support, including personal contact between me and President Widodo and the work that we did with Indonesia to provide significant support to make sure that trade could continue at a time when those opposite were calling for it to be paused. That's what the members of the Liberal Party were doing at that time.

We think this is an important trade. It's important to have a big distinction between it and live sheep. When it comes to live sheep, I table the document, which is obviously still on the member for Farrer's website, 'Ending live sheep export can be a win for both animal welfare and business'. It's actually pretty good. It outlines exactly why we have taken the decision that we have, and that was something supported by senior frontbenchers across the board there.

When it comes to the live cattle export industry, it goes far shorter distances and has put in place significant reforms to make sure animal welfare is looked after. That is why we support this industry and will continue to do so. I suggest those opposite should back it in next time too, instead of, at the first opportunity—as they do with every single issue, whether its national security or anything else—always looking for product differentiation, as they did when that issue came up in Indonesia.


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