House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Albanese Government

3:52 pm

Photo of Carina GarlandCarina Garland (Chisholm, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Yet again, this is a matter of public importance where the opposition has failed to put any ideas forward to the Australian people. It's incredibly disappointing that they waste these opportunities day after day. The focus of this debate should be on what we can do to relieve households when they are experiencing cost-of-living pressures, not on partisan negativity.

On this side of the House, we know that many Australian families are under pressure. That's why our government is delivering responsible cost-of-living relief without adding to inflation. Our budget delivers on our previous investments in excess of tens of billions of dollars in cost-of-living relief to support Australian families. Just briefly, let's contrast our attitude to this moment in history with that of those opposite, who are full of negativity, always saying no to any ideas that we put forward, with zero plans or policies for the future.

Since we came to government, we have provided electricity bill relief, delivered cheaper child care, increased rent assistance, provided more Medicare bulk-billing, delivered cheaper medicines, boosted income support payments, provided over 300,000 fee-free TAFE places, expanded paid parental leave and got wages moving again, after a decade of stagnation and economic irresponsibility from those opposite. Of course, from 1 July, we are providing a tax cut for all taxpayers. It's a bigger tax cut for 84 per cent of taxpayers compared with the tax cuts proposed by those opposite.

Again, our government knows that many Australian families and households are under pressure. That's why, in the budget delivered by the Treasurer last night, we've demonstrated how we will do more to provide responsible cost-of-living relief without adding to inflation. Our support for households with cost of living will include $300 energy rebates for all households. We're providing $1.9 billion to increase Commonwealth rent assistance by a further 10 per cent, benefiting nearly one million households. We'll be cutting $3 billion in student debt for more than three million Australians. These changes will make student loans fairer, and that includes for over 23,400 people in my electorate of Chisholm who have student debt. We understand on this side of the House that household budgets are tight and that the impact of cost-of-living pressures and inflation are being felt in households across the country. It's great to see the Treasurer take responsible steps to assist with cost-of-living help.

All 13.6 million Australian taxpayers will receive a tax cut from 1 July. This means an average cut of $1,888 a year. This is significant; this will be felt by people. We know that there's always more to do, and that's why we have such a comprehensive cost-of-living package in our budget. We know that our cheaper medicines plan has made a real difference to people, who shouldn't be put into a situation where they are forced to choose between buying medicines or making other decisions. Our agreement with community pharmacies is worth up to $3 billion. We're making sure that there's a fairer deal for consumers at the supermarket checkout. We're investing $1.1 billion to pay superannuation on government funded paid parental leave. These policies are real, and they will make a real difference in people's lives.

We are investing $138 million to boost funding for emergency, food relief and financial support. I've visited my local emergency and food relief organisations, and they do a fabulous job. I'm really pleased that they're going to be able to continue to support our communities into the future. We've provisioned for higher wages for aged-care and childcare workers. Early childhood educators do such a wonderful job. I had the pleasure of meeting with many of them this morning, and they have told me that this step forward is going to be life changing for them and significant for their industry.

There is a long list of measures from the budget last night, and, in the time that I have left, I couldn't possibly go through all of our measures. But I think it's really important to understand that our budget is not the beginning nor the end of our government's cost-of-living relief.

We back everyday Australians every day.


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