House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Cheng, Ms Yixuan, Darchia, Ms Pikria, Good, Ms Ashlee, Singleton, Ms Dawn, Tahir, Mr Faraz, Young, Ms Jade

10:07 am

Photo of Angie BellAngie Bell (Moncrieff, Liberal National Party, Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education) Share this | Hansard source

I just wanted to rise very briefly to add the coalition's sentiment to what the minister just outlined in terms of this condolence motion for the very sad events that occurred at Bondi Junction a short month ago. As a former Sydneysider myself, I spent a lot of time in Bondi and in the Wentworth electorate. I have many, many friends there. I've shopped at Bondi Junction myself—a thriving community in the eastern suburbs of Sydney—and I didn't want this motion to end without having a final say in terms of thoughts from the coalition and from the good people of the Gold Coast as well.

I'd like to add our thoughts and sentiments to the families that are left behind to grieve this terrible loss, but also to commend those who were so brave to move forward and to protect those who were just going about their daily business in Bondi Junction, as the minister outlined—just shopping, about to be married. It's very sad when you think about those people who are left behind that now have to grieve, and our thoughts and prayers are with those and the community of Wentworth, in Bondi Junction in particular, who have lost loved ones. Thank you.


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