House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Bill 2024; Second Reading

10:05 am

Photo of Luke HowarthLuke Howarth (Petrie, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

Uncapped. You could buy it—and guess what? Employment went through the roof. In last night's budget, we're going to see unemployment rise, with 178,000 more people unemployed this time next year as unemployment rises to 4½ per cent. That was in the budget last night.

So we will repeal the worst elements of Labor's industrial relations laws that are making it harder to hire Australians. We're not going to govern for our donors and legislate for our donors like Labor do. Whatever the union donors want, let's just do that. Seriously, we're meant to support all Australians and have low costs and high productivity. This government is just making it harder and harder for people.

Under the Leader of the Opposition, the member for Dickson, a Dutton coalition government will stand up for small business through a deregulation agenda that will level the playing field between small and big businesses, ease cost pressures and support lower inflation and economic growth that benefits all Australians, everyone—people that are doing it tough, people that are working and people that are retired and using super. All Australians—we won't be picking winners and losers like the Albanese Labor government.

Debate adjourned.


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