House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Criminal Code Amendment (Protecting Commonwealth Frontline Workers) Bill 2024; Second Reading

5:20 pm

Photo of Bill ShortenBill Shorten (Maribyrnong, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme) Share this | Hansard source

by leave—The member for La Trobe gave a great talk and I appreciate very much his support and I pay respect to his policing career. When I mentioned there were 9,000 reported acts of aggression in the first six months of this year, that wasn't against all 100,000 staff; that was against 6,000 frontline Services Australia staff, which is actually amplifying the members point. That means that chances are every staff member on the frontline will experience one of these acts in the course of a year. These changes cannot guarantee absolute safety, but we are taking the best advice possible from people with frontline police experience.

I specifically acknowledge the work of the former chief commissioner of Victoria Police, Graham Ashton. He turned the report around in eight weeks, which might set some of the big four consultancies a new KPI. What is also pleasing is my colleagues in the government have agreed to all of these measures to implement the changes, and we have actually got on and done it. The clear message to the courts made by the Parliament's intent with the increased penalties—it's an excellent point made by the member for La Trobe. I would reiterate: it is a clear message to the courts.

Finally, the victim of the assault of 23 May, Joeanne Cassar, will be very heartened by the support of the opposition. There's no scenario where it wouldn't have been better that she had never been stabbed, self-evidently, but she is a very public-conscious lady and a professional, and she sees a silver lining in the parliament doing this legislation. I thank all the members for their contributions in the debate.

Question agreed to.

Bill read a second time.

Ordered that this bill be reported to the House without amendment.


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