House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Statements by Members

Hughes Electorate: Cook School

1:54 pm

Photo of Jenny WareJenny Ware (Hughes, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise to speak about Cook School at Loftus, which I recently had the privilege of visiting. For many of our students, mainstream schools simply do not work. Cook School supports vulnerable students who have found mainstream education to be both educationally and socially challenging. It has kindergarten to year 6 classes for students with a diagnosed mental health need as well as many autism support classes. It has classes for students in years 7 to 10 who demonstrate challenging behaviours that simply cannot be coped with in many of our mainstream schools.

Recently Cook School commenced a new program, Acacia, which was highlighted on a recent Four Corners show, that supports year 7 to 12 students who present with internalising mental health needs. Led by principal Dave Hobson and a tremendous teaching staff, the school emphasises providing students with a safe and caring environment to access quality education, building their capacity to self-regulate. Many students do transition into mainstream schools. I am pleased to inform the House that Cook School recently won the Australian School of the Year in the Australian education awards run by the Educator Online. The award recognises that the most outstanding school in Australia, which is Cook School, provides care and attention to students with special needs. I congratulate the staff and families involved in Cook School, which is changing lives and, in many cases, saving lives.


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