House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Questions without Notice


2:24 pm

Photo of Jim ChalmersJim Chalmers (Rankin, Australian Labor Party, Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

Spare us the questions about billionaires when those opposite called for an election because we wanted to give Gina Rinehart a $4½ thousand tax cut instead of a $9,000 tax cut. The Leader of the Opposition was so furious on behalf of his mate that he called for an election over the changes that we made to the tax cuts in January of this year. Spare us the faux outrage. Spare us the faux class warfare over there.

They've had a lot to say about class warfare in the past, and this just goes to the shambolic response that we have seen to last night's budget. They're casting around for all kinds of excuses to oppose energy bill relief like they voted against it last time. They're looking around for all kinds of excuses to prevent the renewable energy superpower ambitions of this country being realised in the years and the decades ahead.

This is now two questions that the member for Hume has asked the Prime Minister, and it's hard to work out which one was worse. The first one, which quoted hundreds of billions of dollars in spending, and that spending contains the indexation of the age pension, for example. So the member for Hume thinks the indexation of the age pension is overspending. And now in this question, he is all of a sudden—


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