House debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Questions without Notice


2:33 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

He's full of hubris and anger today—a very bad combination. It's a very bad combination, because, when we had the previous energy price relief plan, they opposed it. They voted against it when it went just to people who were on payments—when it went to low-income earners. Now that we have an energy price relief plan that goes to all Australians, they're going to vote against that as well! They are now against that.

Late last night, I watched the shadow Treasurer. I wanted to see the Treasurer on 7.30, and he was on afterwards. They gave him 30 seconds afterwards on 7.30, and there he made it very clear that he was opposed to the Future Made in Australia plan, opposed to manufacturing, but I thought that he did actually say that he supported some of the measures of support. It was in there. But now today they are finding a way to crab walk away from giving any support to Australians—just like when we announced our tax cuts for every Australian. First of all, they said that they hadn't seen it, but they were against it. Then they said that they'd roll it back. Then they said that we should go to an election on it, and then they voted for it. But they're still bagging it.


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