House debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Statement by the Speaker


3:33 pm

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

Before members leave the House, I want to give a short reminder about arrangements for this evening with respect to the Leader of the Opposition's budget reply speech. As I outlined on Tuesday, the usual courtesies apply to the Leader of the Opposition's speech as they did to the Treasurer's. With respect to this evening, the Leader of the Opposition will have the call and is entitled to speak without interruption. As with the Treasurer's speech on Tuesday, standing order 1 provides that there is no time limit for the Leader of the Opposition's speech. The clock is used only as a guide. As I noted on Tuesday, if I'm required to make use of standing order 94(a), the member will be advised by written note. Finally, I ask all members to ensure that their guests comply with the standards of behaviour applying to the galleries. I remind all members that they are responsible for their invited guests. I thank the House.


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