House debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Matters of Public Importance


4:31 pm

Photo of Tracey RobertsTracey Roberts (Pearce, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Just two days ago, we sat in this place to listen to our wonderful Treasurer, the Hon. Jim Chalmers, deliver a carefully considered, effective budget; therefore, I want to say that the use of the words 'failure' and 'government' in the topic matter of the MPI today is laughable. If those opposite had actually read the budget, they would know why I am compelled to be on my feet today responding. The Albanese Labor government understands that many Australians are facing serious housing challenges after a decade of neglect by the Liberal-National government.

It is clear that Australia doesn't have enough homes. This is why the Albanese Labor government is intensifying the construction of new homes right across the country, including in my electorate of Pearce, which is one of the largest and fastest-growing areas in Australia, and we welcome this news greatly. We are building more homes for homebuyers, more homes for renters, more homes for Australians in every single part of the country. The 2024-25 budget includes $6.2 billion in new investment to build more homes, more quickly, bringing the Albanese Labor government's new housing initiatives to $32 billion. My electorate of Pearce has nearly 50,000 families who call our fabulous community home. Compared to singles or groups, my Pearce families comprise 80 per cent of our population, compared to 70 per cent Australia wide.

We know that Australians need more affordable housing, and for that we need more homes. The Albanese Labor government has a definitive and decisive plan in the budget for this. The Homes for Australia Plan will help meet Australia's ambitious goal of building 1.2 million homes from 1 July this year. Constructing homes requires significant time and effort; it's not an instant process. We know this. However, increasing supply stands as the most effective and constant solution to Australia's housing deficit, and the Albanese Labor government doesn't shy away from hard work and supporting fellow Australians. We're also providing relief for renters, who are under increasing pressure.

The $6.2 billion in new investment in the budget will rapidly increase construction, with a $1 billion boost for states and territories. We'll provide 20,000 fee-free TAFE and pre-apprenticeship places to enable more tradies to build the homes that Australia is so desperate for. It will help nearly one million Australian households with the cost of rent by delivering $1.9 billion for the first back-to-back increase in Commonwealth rent assistance in more than 30 years. Let me repeat that: it will be the very first back-to-back increase to Commonwealth rent assistance in more than 30 years. It will provide up to $1.9 billion in concessional finance for community housing providers and other charities. It will deliver additional funding for the new $9.3 billion national agreement on social housing and homelessness, which will begin on 1 July. This includes a doubling of the Commonwealth homelessness fund to $400 million every year, matched by states and territories. It will improve conditions and address overcrowding through an additional $842.8 million investment in remote housing in the Northern Territory. The budget will also include $1 billion in the National Housing Infrastructure Facility towards crisis centres and additional accommodation for women and children experiencing domestic violence, which is incredibly sad.

Our Homes for Australia Plan is working across the board to deliver more help to build, to rent and to buy. The Albanese Labor government understands that we cannot afford to aim low or lack ambition, which is what those opposite continue to do. They continue to say no. They laugh. This is why our housing reforms are the most significant in a generation and are so incredibly important.

To finish off, all of the above signifies the failure of those opposite, who are missing in action. Not only are we building houses; we're building infrastructure right around the country. The Albanese Labor government is clearly doing what we do best: looking after our fellow Australians who have chosen to call our beautiful country home. Whether you were born here or you're an immigrant, you deserve to live somewhere, to be a part of a community, to be loved, to be cared for and to be supported. I am so incredibly proud to be a member of the Albanese Labor government, who care about community and who don't look at words on a piece of paper and effectively look people in the eye and say, 'We don't care,' which is what those opposite appear to do on a very regular basis.


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