House debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024


Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment Bill 2024; Consideration in Detail

11:35 am

Photo of Stephen JonesStephen Jones (Whitlam, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Deputy Speaker Wilkie, for your indulgence. I would like to thank all members who have contributed to the debate, including the member for Indi and the member for Curtin for their contributions. I will make a few remarks in relation to those in a moment.

This bill has a long history. Members in this place who have been here for a while will understand the long history to this bill arising out of a series of High Court decisions in the Williams matter. The objective of this bill is to put beyond doubt spending decisions—in particular, grant decisions by the Commonwealth. The purpose and effect of the bill will be to put beyond doubt the consistent operation of the Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Act with how it has been understood to operate. This includes in circumstances where other general legislative authority may be available. The amendments will confirm the validity of government spending programs that rely on section 32B of that act, as well as any other government involvement in companies in reliance on section 39B of the FFSP Act in circumstances where other general powers could be relied on. The changes in the bill simply clarify the position to what has always been the common understanding.

In view of other things that are going on in the House, I'll keep my comments in relation to the amendments moved by the member for Indi very, very brief. I have no doubt about the genuineness of the position from which the member for Indi is coming on her amendments. I'll just simply note that the government is committed to increasing transparency and accountability for government decision-making. This follows other steps that we've taken, which you, Deputy Speaker Wilkie, and the member for Indi feel very passionately about, including the establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

As the member is aware, and as other members are aware, the Prime Minister has indicated that there is work underway to strengthen the Commonwealth grants framework, including possible enhancements to rules and guidelines which will do everything that goes to the issues motivating the member for Indi's amendments. That includes integrity, accountability, probity and transparency. We're considering these matters in detail and announcements will be made once they're finalised—I can inform the House of those. And, given that we have all this work underway, we believe that it would be pre-emptory to consider and agree to the amendments that have been moved in good faith by the member for Indi and which have been supported by others at this stage.

With those brief comments, I commend the bill to the House.


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