House debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024



5:38 pm

Photo of Scott BuchholzScott Buchholz (Wright, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise today to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the newly inaugurated President of Taiwan, Lai Ching-te, and Vice President, Hsiao Bi-khim. This marks a milestone in the vibrant Taiwanese democracy, and we in Australia share the joy and anticipation for that momentous occasion. The relationship between Australia and Taiwan has long been marked by mutual respect, shared values and a commitment to democracy and human rights. Our nations have enjoyed a strong and enduring partnership, one that has flourished through our robust trade and investment links, cultural exchanges and mutual desire to promote peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. Taiwan is a key trading partner for Australia, and the depth of our economic ties is a testament to the synergies between our two economies. I'd also like to acknowledge our other trading partners in the region who are also committed to long-term peace and stability within that region.

We look forward to the future under the leadership of President Lai and the Vice President Hsiao, and I'm confident that our bilateral relationships will continue to grow stronger under President Lai. With his extensive experience and dedication to public service, he brings a wealth of knowledge and a clear vision for Taiwan's future. Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim, with her remarkable career as a diplomat and a legislator, is well positioned to support this vision and to further Taiwan's role on the global stage.

In this spirit of celebration, it's also fitting to pay tribute to the outgoing president, Dr Tsai Ing-wen. Dr Tsai will step down next week after eight years in power, having completed the constitutionally determined two-term limit. Her tenure has been marked by extraordinary leadership and resilience. I had the great honour of meeting with Dr Tsai in 2022 when I visited Taiwan. Her courage and unwavering commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the region have been instrumental in solidifying Taiwan's position as a strong and robust democracy. Dr Tsai's presidency has been a beacon of hope and steadfastness. Her efforts to uphold democratic values, despite considerable challenges, have been nothing short of inspiring. Under her leadership, Taiwan has navigated complex geopolitical dynamics while fostering economic growth and innovation. Her legacy is one of strength, integrity and an underlying commitment to the people of Taiwan.

I'm looking forward to travelling to Taiwan next week to attend the inaugural inauguration of the President Lai Ching-te and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim. It will be an honour to personally convey the congratulations of the friends of Taiwan group in the Australian parliament and to witness the historic transition of leadership. As we bid farewell to President Tsai, we are embracing the opportunities that lie ahead with President Lai and his administration. I also look forward to progressing our relationship with Taiwan under this new regime. Together we can advance our trade and investment links, ensuring mutual prosperity for our nations. Moreover, in these times of global uncertainty, it's more important than ever that we work hand in hand to promote stability and peace in the region. As we move forward, let us reaffirm our commitment to those ideas and let us work together to build a future that is secure, prosperous and inclusive for all.

In conclusion, I extend my warmest congratulations once again to President Lai Ching-te and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim. May your tenure be marked by great success, and may the bonds between Australia and Taiwan grow ever stronger. I extend my sincerest gratitude to Dr Tsai Ing-wen for her outstanding service and for her admirable spirit which will continue to inspire all of us. I thank the House.


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