House debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024


Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions and Other Measures) Bill 2023, Superannuation (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions) Imposition Bill 2023; Second Reading

1:14 pm

Photo of Andrew WillcoxAndrew Willcox (Dawson, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise today to once again speak about a bad bill put up by Labor, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions and Other Measures) Bill 2023. No surprises here. What sort of message does this send to our younger people? For the people who we want to work and to save their money for retirement, what's $3 million going to look like in 30 to 40 years time? There is no indexation to this bill. That is one of the single biggest issues with this whole bill. And the move from a 15 per cent tax to a 30 per cent tax straight up—how was that designed? Is that just typical Labor Treasury mystical and magical stuff, where you just lick your finger and hope it all works out? Where is the place of aspiration?

Listen up, folks: this is the side of the House where we understand reward for effort, where you actually get out of bed at the start of the day, where your wage isn't guaranteed and where you've actually got to turn up, plant something and grow something—actually do something. There's no turn-up pay on this side of the House. Those opposite are very confused by that. But it's typical of Labor—when you can't manage your money, you come after ours. That's what you do. You've got form for it. That's no big surprise to anybody. We've seen it time and time again.

But it's not only the young folks. You've betrayed the older folks as well, the older generation to whom it's been said: 'Go and work hard. Put your money aside. Save it for a rainy day.' The rain probably doesn't affect those opposite because they get their money anyway. But they've got to just save their money for their retirement.


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