House debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Statements by Members

Hanson, Dr Paul

1:50 pm

Photo of Bridget ArcherBridget Archer (Bass, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

It gives me great pleasure to stand today to recognise a wonderful local Northern Tasmanian GP, Dr Paul Hanson. Dr Hanson was awarded the 2023 RACGP Tasmanian GP of the year, an incredible achievement and just recognition for someone who has spent more than 30 years helping others. Dr Hanson's journey to becoming a doctor was not what you might expect. When he was nine years old he couldn't read or write and was later diagnosed with dyslexia, sharing that growing up he thought he had Buckley's chance of being a GP. With fierce advocates in his mum and school principal, who gave extra tuition, he continued to make gains in his schooling, particularly excelling in maths and science, and going on to graduate from University of Tasmania.

Dr Hanson began his career in the north-eastern town of Scottsdale and later moved to Newstead medical. As a Rotarian, he continues to give back to our community outside of his work in health care, regularly volunteering at local schools, assisting with reading programs and building the confidence of other young students who may be struggling. I tell the kids, 'When I was your age I couldn't read. I am a doctor now. Believe me when I say you can do it too.' After more than 35 years as a general practitioner Dr Hanson says that being caring is the most important quality a GP can have. 'There are many facets to being a good GP but you have to care,' he said. Thank you, Dr Hanson for being a great doctor, a great human and for your lifetime of caring about our community.


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