House debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Statements by Members


1:55 pm

Photo of Josh BurnsJosh Burns (Macnamara, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

It has been a big week, where the Treasurer has handed down the second surplus in as many years—something those opposite couldn't do in the three long, dreary, miserable terms that they had in government. They didn't do it under Tony Abbott. They didn't do it under Malcolm Turnbull. They didn't deliver a surplus under Scott Morrison. But our Treasurer—he's walking triumphantly into the chamber now—has been able to deliver a couple of surpluses. It is a reflection of the prudent fiscal management of the government.

There are serious cost-of-living pressures facing Australians. That's why each and every Australian worker will get a tax return and a tax reduction under this government. Unlike those opposite who wanted to only give it to certain higher income earners, we're going to make sure that every single Australian taxpayer keeps more of what they earn.

It's really important that we're also going to give every single household a $300 reduction in their energy power prices, and also small businesses. You would think that would have the universal support of every single member in this House. Apparently, those opposite want to oppose the $300 reduction in power prices, which I say is a fantastic approach by those opposite. I hope they run a massive campaign on their opposition to the $300 reduction in power prices. In fact, I encourage them to do so in Macnamara.

We will continue to manage the budget in a responsible way and give cost-of-living support to Australians who need it.


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