House debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Questions without Notice


2:25 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the leader of the economic dream team from those opposite, but his partner, the shadow finance minister, had this to say about our budget:

I'm sure Australians that are doing it tough right now will be thrilled to hear that there's something in this Budget for them.

She went on to say—just yesterday, a day after the budget:

… everybody needs $300 off their power bill. In fact, we'd like to see more.

So they come in here and they say, 'Oh, no; it's all bad.' They voted against power bill relief when it was going in a targeted fashion. They've opposed those who are getting it in a broader sense, just like how on tax policy they opposed, of course, our changes and said they'd reverse the changes that gave every taxpayer a tax cut. Then the Leader of the Opposition said that we should go to an election on it. Well, I await tonight the Leader of the Opposition saying that he'll jack up that first rate from 16c back up to 19c, that he will reduce the amount at which the top rate cuts in from $190,000 down to $180,000—


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