House debates

Tuesday, 28 May 2024


Net Zero Economy Authority Bill 2024, Net Zero Economy Authority (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2024; Second Reading

7:25 pm

Photo of Carina GarlandCarina Garland (Chisholm, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

This is really important legislation before us tonight, and I'm so pleased to support it and be part of a government that takes climate change and our responsibility to our communities really seriously. The global shift to net-zero emissions is Australia's opportunity to become a renewable energy superpower. The shift to net zero is happening. Australia, along with the rest of the world, is reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by the middle of this century. That's why this legislation is before us. Our government is introducing the Net Zero Economy Authority Bill 2024 and the Net Zero Economy Authority (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2024 to establish the Net Zero Economy Authority to ensure that Australian workers and regions realise and share in the benefits of the net-zero economy. Our government has also announced $189.3 million over four years and $53.3 million per year ongoing in resourcing for the authority.

The authority will support the economy-wide net-zero transformation that is underway by acting as a catalyst for private and public investment. The authority will also support major projects development, job creation and transition, along with skills and community development. We know that global efforts to reduce emissions have already started transforming traditional industries. This transformation will create new opportunities to broaden Australia's industrial base and strengthen our sovereign capability. This is really significant. The Albanese government is already delivering a strong policy agenda to reduce emissions by 43 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030 and to net zero by 2050. This authority will be pivotal to delivering this goal, realising the broader benefits for our nation and ensuring that no community is left behind. The legislation before us tonight is another step forward—a significant step forward—in our plan for a net-zero economy.

Importantly, this new Net Zero Economy Authority will be a new statutory agency, and its functions will be to coordinate policy and planning; facilitate both public and private participation and investment; support affected workers; support First Nations Australians to participate in the transition; and deliver educational and promotional initiatives as Australia transitions to a net-zero-emissions economy. The Net Zero Economy Authority's mission will be to promote orderly and positive economic transformation for Australia, for regions and for workers as the world decarbonises. This recognises that the way in which we navigate economic transformation is as important as reaching the destination of a net-zero economy.

As emissions-intensive industries and technologies decarbonise, the authority will help ensure Australians can access the opportunities new net-zero industries bring. I'm very excited about the opportunities new net-zero industries bring. I recently had the great privilege of visiting and meeting with scientists at the CSIRO in my electorate of Chisholm and hearing about the innovative discoveries and new technologies that are going to enable an exciting new future for our nation with plenty of good, secure, well-paying jobs.

The Prime Minister has previously stated:

There is no nation on earth better placed than Australia to achieve the energy transition here at home and power it in the world.

The Net Zero Economy Authority will play an important role in one of the most significant economic events in Australian history and position us as a renewable energy superpower. This is really consistent, again, with what I heard just recently from scientists and experts in the field from the CSIRO. We are committed to working across governments with regional communities and industries and with our international partners to secure the opportunities of Australia's net zero future.


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