House debates

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Constituency Statements

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

4:48 pm

Photo of Colin BoyceColin Boyce (Flynn, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

In April, I hosted guest speaker and noted environmentalist Steven Nowakowski for an open discussion on Central Queensland's energy future including wind, solar, coal fired power and nuclear. It was an important opportunity for the communities of Gladstone, Biloela and Gracemere to have their say about the future of energy in their region. Over 230 people attended these three forums and were able to listen to Steven's presentation and insights on this topic of energy, including his concerns that the hurried employment of large-scale wind and solar projects might lead to the degradation of high-biodiversity landscapes and the loss of wildlife.

When the ABC's Four Corners program informed me that they were going to attend these energy forums and shine a light on the issues affecting Central Queensland, I was surprised. My staff changed the three-day itinerary to accommodate them. I invited them to my Gladstone office for a sit-down interview, and I also had an interview with them after the Gladstone energy forum. It quickly became abundantly clear that they did not care about the issues that affect Central Queensland. They did not once ask for contact details of residents affected by large-scale wind and solar projects. All they wanted to focus on was personality politics. The story they wanted to run was, 'Why on earth is a coal-supporting conservative hanging out with a tree-hugging former Greens candidate?' I'll answer that question: it's because people from both sides, the Left and Right of politics, are concerned about what the reckless rollout of renewables means for the communities, the native flora and fauna and the environment.

The following day I politely told the team at ABC Four Corners that we would go our separate ways due to their inability to present an objective story on the issues rather than obsessively focusing on personalities. Later that day Four Corners presented at my Gladstone office while Steven and I continued our scheduled itinerary. They disrupted my team by filming footage of their journalist walking in and out of my Gladstone office, obviously to salvage and conclude their botched lack of a story.

Recently we have also seen the ABC's chief political correspondent, Laura Tingle, launch an extraordinary attack on Australia, declaring it a racist country. Two months ago, ABC Chair Kim Williams warned journalists that activism was not welcome at the taxpayer funded broadcaster and said that, if reporters failed to observe impartiality, they should leave. I hope the team at Four Corners and Ms Tingle are packing their bags, as there is no place for radical left-wing views at taxpayer expense. People want and deserve objective journalism from the ABC.


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