House debates

Tuesday, 28 May 2024


Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2024-2025, Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2024-2025; Second Reading

12:15 pm

Photo of Angus TaylorAngus Taylor (Hume, Liberal Party, Shadow Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

under this government. Now, we have seen three Labor budgets that have tried to have it both ways: increasing spending while claiming to bring down inflation, increasing taxes while claiming that families are better off and increasing red and green tape while claiming that businesses will invest more. Even today we see more examples of this confused government's economic priorities. The Treasurer is increasing company taxes, clamping down on franking credits, winding back investment incentives and refusing to extend the instant asset write-off. Meanwhile, the industry minister, the minister for business, is calling for company tax to be lower! He's calling for it to be lower. To paraphrase Ross Gittens, not someone who I'm accustomed to quoting, 'This is a government that is so confused, it doesn't know what its own priorities are.'

Our economy is lacking from this lack of clarity: Australian businesses are suffering from this lack of clarity and Australian families are suffering from this lack of clarity. From now until the next election you will see our relentless focus on getting Australia back on track—back to basics. That means a back-to-basics economic plan: fighting high prices and high interest rates; winding back regulatory roadblocks; delivering lower, simpler, fairer taxes; and restoring the dream of homeownership in this country.


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