House debates

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs

3:47 pm

Photo of Meryl SwansonMeryl Swanson (Paterson, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

and loathing, yes. Thank you, Member for Blair, for that interjection. It is fear and loathing and whipping up concern in the Australian community about a government that is delivering on tax cuts and health care and doing more in the education space. Some of us do remember promises like 'There won't be a dollar difference between Labor and Liberal when it comes to education.' Thank you, Christopher Pyne. And then they went ahead and cut the budget. Some of us have got long enough memories to be able to remember what was said over there and what was delivered. And let me tell you: with every promise we have made as a government, we have delivered, and that is the difference between Australians being safe and those opposite telling Australians they're safe, albeit to a Tom Cruise soundtrack—and that happened in my electorate, so don't try and tell me that didn't happen. I witnessed it. It's this whole thing of 'You're not safe, and they're not doing a very good job with immigration.' Let me tell you: we are doing a far superior job than anyone opposite did for 10 years. (Time expired)


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