House debates

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Constituency Statements

Petition: Epilepsy

9:56 am

Photo of Tracey RobertsTracey Roberts (Pearce, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise to present a petition from Renee Evans regarding epilepsy assistance. The petition contains 1,049 signatures. It has been before the Standing Committee on Petitions and complies with the standing orders for presentation.

Around the world, an estimated 65 million people are living with epilepsy at any given time. In Australia alone, over 800,000 individuals will develop epilepsy in their lifetime. Epilepsy is not a new condition. In fact, it's the oldest recorded neurological disorder known to mankind. It is more prevalent than Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy combined. Yet, it struggles to receive the attention and resources it deserves.

Epilepsy does not discriminate based on age. It can affect individuals of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Shockingly, the onset of seizures in people over 65 occurs almost as frequently as in children. For the elderly, seizures are often linked to underlying health issues, such as stroke or heart disease, adding another layer of complexity to their care. While epilepsy is a chronic medical condition, it is treatable for many but unfortunately not for all. Approximately 30 per cent of sufferers face uncontrolled epilepsy where treatment options are limited or ineffective. This creates immense challenges for those living with the condition and their caregivers. Beyond the seizures themselves, epilepsy carries an increased risk of mortality, with individuals facing a risk two- to three-times higher than the general population. This sobering statistic underscores the critical need for better support and resources for those living with epilepsy.

Behind the scenes, individuals with epilepsy face significant financial burdens from medical appointments and transportation to dental treatments and medication. The costs add up very quickly. Sadly, government financial assistance for those expenses is limited, leaving many struggling to make ends meet. That is why I'm here today, presenting this petition for change. This petition is calling attention to those battling epilepsy and advocating for action. It is demanding the provision of healthcare cards to help alleviate the financial strain of medical costs. It is asking for increased funding to raise awareness among adults with epilepsy to ensure they receive the support and the resources that they so desperately need.

The truth is that epilepsy is not just a condition; it is a life-altering reality that we cannot afford to ignore. The petition, therefore, asks for those affected by epilepsy to be able to obtain a healthcare card to help with some of the medical costs and for more funding to go towards raising awareness for adults suffering this debilitating condition.

The petition read as follows—

There is over 225,000 people in Australia suffering with epilepsy and very few get any financial assistance from the government with so much money spent on doctor appointments, transportation, dentist and medication we desperately need assistance for these expenses. Epilepsy is oldest neurological condition recorded and yet it is still a condition very much in the shadows while other conditions get more funding and awareness.

We therefore ask the House to look into the suffering of those battling epilepsy, we ask for those affected by epilepsy to be able to obtain a health care card to help with some of the medical costs and more funding go to raising awareness for adults suffering this debilitating condition that we are 95% likely to die from.

from 1,040 citizens (Petition No. EN5925)

Petition received.


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