House debates

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Statements by Members

Lyne Electorate: Community Events

1:47 pm

Photo of David GillespieDavid Gillespie (Lyne, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

I congratulate the Killabakh community, who came together for the Biggest Morning Tea and, in doing so, raised $2,500 for the Cancer Council to sustain their research, support and prevention programs.

I also congratulate everyone involved in the 2024 Lansdowne community art show—the organisers, conveners, committee and artists. It was an amazing display of an incredible array of artwork. We have a great deal of artistic talent in our region. It's a great opportunity for them to display their skills.

I congratulate Forster local Corbin Kelly, who recently attended the Queensland state bodybuilding championships—his first-ever appearance. He came home with six medals. He then travelled to Melbourne for the national championships, where he performed extremely well and was awarded a second place and two third places. Well done, Corbin; keep pumping that iron!

Lastly, congratulations to the Lyne businesses who were award winners at the 2024 Greater Port Macquarie Business Awards: Omnicare Alliance; Wild Nets Adventure Parks; Eire Constructions; Tender Funerals Mid North Coast; Beachscape Holiday Rentals; Any Occasion Cakes and Party Food; and many other businesses who displayed their business. Well done. Small business is the powerhouse of our local economy.


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