House debates

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Statements by Members


1:52 pm

Photo of Carina GarlandCarina Garland (Chisholm, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

About two weeks ago, Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered the third budget of this government, and it was truly a Labor budget. The budget is focused on providing targeted cost-of-living relief, putting downward pressure on inflation and setting up Australia's economy for the future, because we believe in a better future where nobody is left behind.

Every taxpayer in my wonderful electorate of Chisholm—all 81,000 of them—will receive a tax cut from 1 July, with the average tax cut being $1,640. That is extra money for households right across my electorate at a critical time. Every household will also receive $300 in energy bill relief, with $325 available for eligible small businesses.

I know student debt from higher education is a very important issue in my community, and I know how welcome the news is that $3 billion of student debt, for three million students, will be wiped and that new settings will mean student debt will never outpace wages again. This measure will impact 23,430 people in my electorate, and I thank all of those in Chisholm who've advocated for change in this area.

Our budget is about the here and now but it is also about the future, and that future is one that is made in Australia. We're going to make more things here and build secure, well-paid jobs in suburbs just like those I'm so fortunate to represent, and this is absolutely terrific news.


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