House debates

Thursday, 30 May 2024


HMAS Stirling

9:04 am

Photo of Andrew LeighAndrew Leigh (Fenner, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury) Share this | Hansard source

I move:

That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, and by the urgent nature of the work, it is expedient to carry out the following proposed work which was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works and on which the committee has duly reported to Parliament: Initial Priority Facilities and Infrastructure Works for the Submarine Rotational Force—West at HMAS Stirling, Western Australia.

The government wishes to proceed urgently with the construction of new facilities and infrastructure at HMAS Stirling in Perth, Western Australia, which will provide the capability required to ensure that the United States and United Kingdom's nuclear-powered submarines can safely and securely establish a rotational presence in Western Australia from 2027. The works that the government is seeking to expedite are preliminary and include in-ground engineering services; working, training and living-in accommodation; an emergency response and control centre; and infrastructure and minor maritime works to support increased mooring requirements.

I note that a proposal to proceed with a construction project without referral to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works is not common. The government very much supports the work of the Public Works Committee and has not taken this decision lightly. In this case, however, the government has decided, given the urgency of the project, that it is not feasible to refer the preliminary work to the Public Works Committee as a precursor to the commencement of works. However, noting the public importance of the nuclear-powered submarine capability, the government intends for the next stage of the works at HMAS Stirling to be referred to the Public Works Committee as soon as possible.

These works will relate to the design and licensing of radiological waste management and upgrades to the submarine pier and electrical services to supply the nuclear-powered submarines when in port. Referral at this time will ensure that there is an opportunity for parliamentary and public scrutiny of the proposed works. This is in addition to the broad engagement already underway, including with the traditional owners; federal, state and local government representatives; and key interest groups, consistent with section 18.8B of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, which provides for public works to be commenced where the House of Representatives has resolved that, by reason of the urgent nature of the work, it is expedient that it be carried out without being been referred to the committee.

I commend the motion to the House.

Question agreed to.


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