House debates

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Questions without Notice

Visa Refusal or Cancellation

2:06 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

In that tweet, the Leader of the Opposition said on the cancelled visas:

The cancellation power was exercised within the limits of the Constitution.

He said the quiet bit out loud. The reality is that, on this bloke's watch, 1,300 hardcore criminals were released from immigration detention centres—not because of a decision of the High Court but on his watch. They were released with no curfews, no ankle bracelets, no monitoring and no regard for community safety. They included 102 sex offenders, 64 of whom are child sex offenders, 40 domestic violence offenders and four murderers, alleged murderers or individuals convicted of accessory to murder, including a British man who was convicted in 2016 of being an accessory to the stabbing of an associate in a drug operation. He helped another man carry the victim's body to the boot of a car and dump it in a makeshift grave. Another British man was convicted of being an accessory to murder when a drug associate shot another man in what was described as a gangland execution.

Section 501 has not changed. What we did change was the capacity of Kiwis to become Australian citizens, and I am pleased that 20,000 of them have taken it up. That is the difference that it's made. But on this bloke's watch, the AAT decided a 45-year-old New Zealand man convicted of three charges of an indecent act with a child under 16 should be allowed to stay—on this bloke's watch.


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