House debates

Monday, 3 June 2024

Constituency Statements

McEwen Electorate: Community Services

10:52 am

Photo of Rob MitchellRob Mitchell (McEwen, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Today I proudly rise to talk about some of the amazing volunteers and organisations that service our communities in McEwen. Last week was National Volunteer Week, and this year the theme was 'Something for everyone'. To recognise the diverse opportunities of volunteering in the electorate, I was able to pay tribute to some outstanding individuals. This included visiting the Gisborne Unit of the SES, where I recently met with Neil Cheney, Toriana Collins and Unit Controller Ross Evans and thanked them for their dedication and their compassionate service which they provide to the community, especially in times of crisis. Across the other side of McEwen, there's the Rotary Club of Diamond Creek. In organising the annual town fair, providing food relief for those struggling and managing community, members such as Steve Crosling and President Warwick Leeson OAM epitomise what volunteering is all about.

Two profoundly impactful Mitchell shire organisations are the Mitchell Suicide Prevention Network and the Mitchell Multicultural Community Association. The Mitchell Suicide Prevention Network provides vital support and resources for those in need. The Mitchell Multicultural Community Association is a vibrant testament to the power of diversity and inclusion. It's an honour to acknowledge Nikki Simos and Roslyn Stewart of the suicide prevention network for the work that they've done for so many years in helping many people through very tough times. It's at times when things are in a bit of a crisis that you usually find out that your friends are the ones that come and are there by your side. The suicide prevention network has done that constantly. When we talk about Dushyanthy Govender of the Mitchell Shire Multicultural Association, her commitment to the health and wellbeing of our community is second to none in the work that she does in bringing together people of all faiths and all ethnicities to not only share food and games but, importantly, share time. Learn who your neighbours are and build a stronger community.

I want to acknowledge the enthusiastic and energetic volunteer team at the Northern Pride Netball Association. They are the backbone of netball in the area and a space not only for the young participants to learn and develop their talents and a love for the game but also for a community that is very cohesive. Thanks especially to President Michelle Kneale and Secretary Sallyanne Bruton.

The Romsey and Lancefield neighbourhood houses—well, what can you say about them. The team of volunteers there in those amazing hubs are dedicated to promoting everything that is about community. An exemplary volunteer I want to thank, too, on an individual basis is Karen McKenzie of Whittlesea. Karen has taken this year's theme and is literally running with it. From volunteering at the Whittlesea Salvation Army op shop to her dedication at the TAC L2P driver's education program, she has applied her talents to assist others, and she has made over 106 blood donations. So thank you, Karen, for the service and beyond that you do. Most importantly, I thank every volunteer because without them our communities would not function.


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