House debates

Monday, 3 June 2024

Private Members' Business


11:02 am

Photo of Meryl SwansonMeryl Swanson (Paterson, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I move:

That this House:

(1) notes the:

(a) Government is delivering a responsible budget that provides cost of living help now, builds a stronger and more resilient economy and invests in a future made in Australia; and

(b) budget delivers for all Australians by:

(i) easing cost of living pressures;

(ii) building more homes for Australians;

(iii) investing in a Future Made in Australia, and in the skills and universities needed to make it a reality;

(iv) strengthening Medicare and the care economy; and

(v) broadening opportunity and advancing equality; and

(2) acknowledges:

(a) the Government's number one priority is delivering cost of living relief to Australians; and

(b) that the responsible economic management by the Government has:

(i) delivered back-to-back budget surpluses;

(ii) seen 82 per cent of revenue upgrades returned since coming to government over the forward estimates;

(iii) saved and reprioritised $77.4 billion of spending since coming to government;

(iv) limited real spending growth to an average of 1.4 per cent;

(v) improved the budget position by a forecast $214.7 billion over the six years to 2027-28 compared to the former Government;

(vi) reduced debt as a share of the economy;

(vii) improved Australia's debt position with gross debt $152 billion lower in this financial year than was forecast at the time of the election; and

(viii) avoided $80 billion in interest costs over the decade due to the improved budget position compared to what was inherited at the election.

I want to share with you today, Deputy Speaker and the House more broadly, a transformative vision for our nation's future—a vision grounded in support for our families, our small businesses, health care more broadly, building infrastructure and educating our people, whether they be the tiniest of tots or those who want to turn their hand to a trade later in life. It is all so vital to making our economy more productive.

At the heart of this vision is a commitment to easing the financial burdens that we know Australians are feeling at the moment, and that starts with a good budget and, importantly, meaningful tax cuts. On 1 July this year, the Albanese Labor government will deliver a tax cut for every Australian taxpayer. I just want to say that again. The Albanese government, on 1 July this year, will deliver a tax cut for every Australian taxpayer. If you pay tax, it will be cut. In my seat of Paterson, that means 75,000 hardworking Australians are going to get, on average, around $1,500 tax back. That is such an exciting prospect, and I know that, for everyone who's ever had to do a family budget or a personal budget, let alone a budget for a nation, every dollar counts. That's why the Albanese government wants to make sure you get every dollar you can for your hard work in Australia.

It also means that 65,000 people in my electorate, around 87 per cent of the electorate, are going to be better off under Labor's plans because we had the courage to revisit the tax. That's what we've done, and that's going to be the rub for all people who are earning and paying tax in Patterson.

We know our small businesses are the backbone of our economy, employing 5.2 million Australians across the nation and contributing more than $500 million annually. In Paterson, we've got 10,238 small businesses—give or take a few, thanks to the statistics of the day. They're driving local prosperity. Their owners are getting up early, they're going to bed late, they're doing their paperwork, they're employing other Australians and, apart from those things, they're making our local communities such vibrant places. People come up with the most brilliant ideas for small business these days and they're working hard to make those ideas a reality. I want to personally thank them for that.

We're implementing several key initiatives for small business, including energy bill relief. Starting on 1 July the Commonwealth will deliver rebates of $325 to approximately one million eligible small businesses—it's a small amount but it's an important amount, and we know that every dollar counts in small business too—through the Energy Bill Relief Fund. This will significantly reduce operational costs for many businesses in Paterson. Regarding the Small Business Debt Helpline, we're committing $3.1 million to extend support through the Small Business Debt Helpline, which assisted 1,232 small businesses in New South Wales last year, offering vital guidance and relief. In relation to mental health support, we know having a small business can really be something that you worry about day and night. We're investing $7.7 million to continue the NewAccess for Small Business Owners mental health program, supporting small business operators with free, specialised help. In 2023, 520 small business operators in New South Wales benefited from this program. It's things like this that are just so vitally important across the nation.

We're also making historic investments to ensure the wellbeing and connectivity of our communities, and this goes to the heart of the NBN. Our $2.4 billion investment in the NBN has significantly improved internet speeds. In Paterson, we're going to be able to offer better speeds for over 35,000 businesses and households, and they'll have the ability to have access to full fibre. That's a game changer for business, as is this budget for our nation. I couldn't be prouder.


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