House debates

Monday, 3 June 2024

Statements by Members

BASE Services

4:12 pm

Photo of Garth HamiltonGarth Hamilton (Groom, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

It is always a great opportunity to update the House on the great work that BASE Services is doing in my wonderful community. BASE Services is a community organisation that has had great support over the years from locals on the ground. It's no wonder why. They provide training for young people who've experienced homelessness, to get them into jobs in the community. They run the local soup kitchen in town, and I can assure you, as the cold winter nights start to set upon us, that there is unfortunately a very long line joining that soup kitchen. They run 2nd Shot, a coffee shop right in the middle of town. It's a great place to start your day.

They've kicked off their Homeless for a Week campaign this year with the ambitious target of raising $1 million. Sadly, as you walk through the streets of Toowoomba, you can see the need is there, in alleyways and out the front of shops. We've never seen that before. There are people experiencing homelessness, and Nat and Tiff at BASE Services are really doing a great job.

It's wonderful to see the community get behind them and support them. I want to name, specifically, the good councillor Gary Gardner, who's donated his entire salary across his term in government to support charities. This year it's going to BASE Services. That amount was met by an unknown contributor, and we thank them too. I just can't help but say to the Toowoomba community: please get behind this one. It's been wonderful. Last week LifeFlight raised over $1 million in a night. Get behind BASE Services. They do a great job and they need our help.


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