House debates

Monday, 3 June 2024

Statements by Members

Capricornia Electorate: Fitzroy Community Hospice

4:33 pm

Photo of Michelle LandryMichelle Landry (Capricornia, National Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Manufacturing) Share this | Hansard source

The Central Queensland community celebrated an enormous milestone last month, with the much needed Fitzroy Community Hospice being officially opened. This significant milestone embodies the unwavering dedication and tireless efforts of the Fitzroy Community Hospice board in their mission to fundraise and raise awareness about the critical need for end-of-life care throughout Capricornia.

Recognising the vital importance of providing compassionate and comprehensive palliative care, the former coalition government made a substantial investment of $8 million. With this investment Fitzroy Community Hospice is now poised to offer much needed community based palliative care to those in need. Situated in Rockhampton, the new 12-bed facility makes a historic development as the first hospice located north of South-East Queensland. The hospice will be staffed by a team of dedicated and highly trained nurses, support staff and volunteers who are committed to delivering holistic end-of-life care.

In addition to the direct care provided to patients, the Fitzroy Community Hospice will extend its support to families and caregivers, offering them the necessary resources and guidance to navigate this challenging time. The establishment of the Fitzroy Community Hospice represents significant advancement in the availability of palliative care services in Central Queensland. It stands as the beacon of hope and compassion, ensuring that every individual receives the care and dignity they deserve at the end of life. Congratulations and thank you, Fitzroy Community Hospice, for your services to our community.


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