House debates

Monday, 3 June 2024

Private Members' Business

Defence Industry

5:58 pm

Photo of Keith WolahanKeith Wolahan (Menzies, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I'm conscious of the time, so I'm going to focus on the importance of defence industry—not just now, but historically. I want to take you back to June 1942. Everyone remembers that. What happened in June 1942? It was the Battle of Midway. You've seen the movie; there are two versions of it. You've seen young men flying into literal hell. That was a key part of the battle. Of course, that bravery and sacrifice turned the tide.

What is less known and less reported is the role of defence industry in turning the tide. We know that the key ship, the USS Yorktown, had been severely damaged in a battle earlier. The initial assessment for that aircraft carrier was that it would take months—six weeks at best—to repair it and have it back ready for use. But they gambled on defence industry back in the United States, through ingenuity and hard work, turning it around in a matter of days. They worked 24 hours, multiple shifts, never slept and put themselves in the headspace of those young men who were going to get in the planes and fly into hell. They got the USS Yorktown battle ready and back out to support the Battle of Midway. That only happened because there was a defence industry that was supported. It was backed up and it was ready and able to be used when it was needed most.

That's what this motion is about from the member for Herbert. It's about having a solid defence industry that is ready and capable for when we need it, because if we take them for granted and we don't support them when they need it—and we've seen the reported statistics on the lack of confidence in sovereign capability being called upon now—then when we really need them they won't be there to support us.

That is a lesson from history that we should heed. All of us in this place, when we're looking to keeping our nation safe and doing the hard work that is required, should never forget the role of the defence industry. It matters just as much as the bravery of the people who are now commemorated in our War Memorial.


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