House debates

Monday, 3 June 2024

Private Members' Business

Domestic and Family Violence

7:06 pm

Photo of Cassandra FernandoCassandra Fernando (Holt, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I move:

That this House:

(1) recognises that intimate partner violence is a national crisis in Australia, with a quarter of all Australian women having experienced it in their lifetime;

(2) welcomes the Government's:

(a) announcement of $925.2 million over five years to permanently establish the Leaving Violence Program, so those escaping violence can receive financial support of up to $5,000, as well as financial support, safety assessments and referrals to support pathways, to help them establish a home free from violence;

(b) commitment to introduce legislation to ban the creation and non-consensual distribution of deepfake pornography;

(c) ongoing commitment to the Stop it at the Start campaign; and

(3) commends the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-32.

I rise today to address this House on intimate partner violence. One in every four Australian women have experienced intimate partner violence, an alarming, unacceptable statistic. In 2023, 49 women were killed due to gender based violence, and in the first five months of this year 31 women have been killed. These are women with dreams, ambitions, families and, most importantly, the right to safety. As representatives in this House, we must amplify the voices of these women and loudly proclaim that the women of this country are not alone. I stand here to emphasise the urgency of this issue. I am proud of the Albanese Labor government's commitment to addressing this issue. Our government has taken vital steps in tackling gender based violence.

Financial control is often used as a method of abuse in relationships. I have had too many women come to my office door in desperation, as a place of last resort. They want to leave home but cannot afford to. Women are frequently locked out of their finances, which are deemed a man's business, leaving them without the resources to escape a violent situation. It can cost thousands to move home as an individual and even more if you have children. That is why we are investing $925.2 million over the next five years to establish the Leaving Violence Program, a program that offers safety, support and the chance for survivors to rebuild their lives and start anew. Those eligible will be able to access up to $5,000 in financial support along with referral services, risk assessment and safety planning. Another campaign we have consistently supported is Stop it at the Start, focusing on prevention, early education and challenging disrespectful attitudes and behaviours. Through this campaign, we aim to lay the foundation for a future where respect and equality are the norm, focusing on creating a cultural shift from a very young age.

We will introduce legislation to ban the creation and non-consensual distribution of deepfake pornography, addressing a new form of digital abuse by targeting the use of artificial intelligence to produce and disseminate explicit material without consent. We aim to protect individuals, particularly women and girls, from the lasting harm inflicted by these actions. We will ensure perpetrators face strict penalties and reinforce our nation's dedication to upholding the dignity and safety of our community in the digital age.

These reforms build on the government's previous work led by the Minister for Women, Katy Gallagher, and social services minister, Amanda Rishworth. Our National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children is supported by $2.3 billion in funding commitments. We are reforming the family law systems to make them simpler and more accessible for families going through difficult times. We are supporting early intervention efforts and actively working on national data reporting.

But there is still much work to be done. We need men to step in and call out gendered violence before it escalates. We must continue to challenge social norms that perpetuate violence and engage with our communities. We must continue to work between all levels of government and between all political parties. Together we can build a society where every woman lives in safety, dignity and respect.

To the women living silently in fear: you are not alone. Do not be in fear of reporting incidents. Please reach out and please contact 1800RESPECT. I commend this motion to the House.


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