House debates

Monday, 3 June 2024

Statements by Members

Western Australia Day

1:34 pm

Photo of Sam LimSam Lim (Tangney, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Today we gather to celebrate Western Australia Day, a day that holds deep significance for every one of us who calls this magnificent state home. As someone who was born and raised in Malaysia but proudly calls Western Australia my home, I am profoundly moved by the unique blend of the culture, landscape and community that defines this extraordinary place, from the ancient land and wisdom of the Noongar people to the vibrant multicultural communities that have enriched our society of Western Australia and embody the spirit of unity and resilience. We celebrate our stunning coastline, our vast outback and our thriving city. We honour the pioneers of our industry, the innovators and the everyday heroes whose contributions, big and small, have shaped our shared destiny.

Today, let us reflect on the value that buys us a commitment to inclusivity, a passion for innovation and unyielding love for this land. It is this spirit that drives us forward and that allows us to grow while staying true to our roots. As we look to the future, let us carry forward the legacy of those who came before us, continuing to build a Western Australia that is prosperous, diverse and welcoming to all. Thank you. Happy Western Australia Day!


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