House debates

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Distinguished Visitors

Kogler, Her Excellency Mrs Elisabeth, Singh, Hon. Lisa, Kumar, Ms Sunaina, Sinha, Ms Riya, Patchett, Mr Lucas Brooke, OAM, Fraser, Hon. Andrew Peter

2:15 pm

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

I'm pleased to inform the House that present in the gallery today is Her Excellency Elisabeth Kogler, the new Ambassador of the Republic of Austria. I'm pleased to inform the House that also present in the gallery today is the Hon. Lisa Singh, a former senator and the CEO of the Australia India Institute, with Maitri fellows Sunaina Kumar and Riya Sinha. Also in the gallery is Lucas Patchett OAM, a co-founder of Orange Sky Australia, and the Hon. Andrew Fraser, a former Deputy Premier of Queensland and Chair of Orange Sky Australia. Welcome to you all.

Honourable members: Hear, hear!


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