House debates

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Regional Australia

3:52 pm

Photo of Andrew WillcoxAndrew Willcox (Dawson, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

It's a known fact that everybody in Australia is worse off under the Albanese Labor government, and those in the regions are a lot worse off. Those opposite probably don't even know where the regions are. They're the big bits that are outside the city. That's where the food and fibre come from. They don't come from the supermarket. They don't come from Coles or Woolworths. The regions are where your fruit and veggies, your milk and your meat come from—out of the regions, not just out of the big supermarkets.

The regions are also where all the minerals come from, where the coal comes from—one of our biggest exports. That's where our iron ore—the biggest export in the country—comes from. Our gas comes from the regions. That's why all we ask in rural and regional Australia is to get a little bit of money from the government back to look after rural and regional Australia. What about this week? We've just had the announcement of the closing down of the sheep trade. The closing down of the sheep trade is a flocking insult. It shows that the Albanese Labor government has no idea what the flock is going on.


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