House debates

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Regional Australia

3:57 pm

Photo of Rob MitchellRob Mitchell (McEwen, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

There's an old saying that's used a lot in the country when you hear something like that—'You've clearly been drinking the water downstream from the herd.' In other words, it's full of nutrition. It's just a rambling mess of untruths and factless stories that get told. And all these scare campaigns amount to nothing.

I know the National Party are a bit like goldfish, with a four-second memory, but let's remember that prior to May 2022 they were in government for 10 years. The National Party, which was once the party of farmers but is now the party of what's under the earth, have walked away from farmers for decades. As far as they're concerned, the only thing that farming land is good for is digging the minerals out from underneath it. They've run away from everything they stood for, which is what you'd expect when they're only averaging around 3.6 per cent of the national vote. But they expect to control things. They attack the Greens, but the National Party can't even get a quarter of the Greens' vote. They're absolutely useless.

I love the member for Riverina, but from Deputy Minister to second fiddle to the member for Page—that's an absolutely steep drop.


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