House debates

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Questions to the Speaker

Parliamentary Procedure

3:52 pm

Photo of Zali SteggallZali Steggall (Warringah, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

I would like some clarification in relation to events that occurred just now and during question time in terms of procedure when it comes to indulgence. The observation was that, in response to a question from the member for Mackellar, the Prime Minister exceeded the allocated three minutes of time for answer and proceeded to continue. I was not aware that any indulgence was sought at that time to continue beyond the allocated period of time. The concern that I have and wish to seek clarification on is, if indulgence is used to essentially criticise or mount an attack on members of this place or the other place and if it is then open on indulgence for the Leader of the Opposition to join in that, that could mean indulgence is now used as a precedent for criticism or attack of members of parliament in circumstances where there is limited opportunity to reply. I don't understand that that's the accepted convention on how indulgence has been exercised to date. I would also like clarification in respect to procedure when personal explanation is sought to be made. My understanding is that a personal explanation is simply to correct a mischaracterisation of a person or member and their position. Again, I'd like some clarification on the way in which that should be used because I'm concerned that was also abused in the situation.


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