House debates

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Albanese Government

4:39 pm

Photo of Aaron VioliAaron Violi (Casey, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

The member for Hawke was right about one thing: I was smirking and laughing when he used the one-trillion-dollar debt misinformation campaign that the Treasurer continues to run. The budget papers show it was $519 billion at the time, and that about 30 to 35 per cent of that was actually from the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd years. The member for Parramatta would know that time well. I give credit to the Assistant Treasurer, that he didn't run with that mistruth. But the member for Hawke likes to, which says more about him than others.

It was staggering in question time today, when the Treasurer was asked about the economy. He said how great it's going, that Australians have never had it better and that the Australian government have it right on track. They're on track and the plan is working—those were his words. Well, what it shows is a Treasurer who is proud to have been in 18 budget lock-ups and talks about it like it's a great thing. But actually what it shows is a Treasurer who is disconnected from the Australian people, a Prime Minister who is disconnected from the Australian people and a government that is out of touch and disconnected from the Australian people.

I want to share the words of one of my constituents, James. His words need to be heard today, and maybe those opposite can understand that this is the impact on many in the community. In James's words:

This $300 energy bonus is just a slap in the face to us all.

I have always made sure all bills are paid on time.

I saved my arse off to purchase a house in Warburton. When all these rate rises have gone up, the price of fuel and the biggest 1, FOOD—it's tearing me down like nothing else.

My rates have still not been paid this year well over due now and the council really don't care either just want there money!

Most of us are at breaking point!

No money left to live yet I work full time, have a good job.

It's not like I'm lazy and can't be bothered.

I feel as though lots more could be done to help us Australians out of this mess that we find ourselves in.

I have never been so cash poor in my life. The kids are feeling it. My partner is feeling it.

We have even had to go to a food shelter for bread and veggies a few times to just feed the family.

We both work yet still not enough money to go round.

Go back only 5 years, I was earning less money yet able to save at least $300-$500 per week and still paying for everything.

Something is very, very wrong!

They say we understand Australians are doing it tough at the moment!

It's the wrong word!

We are at rock bottom!

I understand this will do nothing to help anything at all, but just feel like our voices are not being heard at all!!!!

It's a real shame what has happened to Australia.

It's quickly becoming the not so lucky country.

The government works for us as a whole, yet we all take the hit.

It's stupid!

James, thank you for having the courage to share your story. Your words have been heard in this House. And the hope is that the hubris of the Treasurer and the hubris of the Prime Minister will stop—that they will stop celebrating the supposed strength of this economy and celebrating the challenges to the Australian people.

Make no mistake: this is in the control of this government. I will quote this Prime Minister from when he was opposition leader, from 4 May 2022:

Australians are being hit with a triple whammy of skyrocketing costs of essentials, falling real wages and now an interest rate hike. They need a government with a plan to ease the cost of living.

That was 4 May 2022. How is that plan going, Prime Minister? How is that plan going for James, for the community in Casey and for the communities all across the country? If the Prime Minister had the courage to say in 2022 that he had a plan for the Australian people to ease the cost-of-living crisis, then he should stand at that dispatch box in 2024 and apologise to the Australian people—apologise to James and his family. The Prime Minister should admit that he has failed—his plan has not worked—because there is not one Australian who is doing it better today in 2024 than on 4 May 2022. This Prime Minister stands condemned for his lack of action— (Time expired)


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